What date are you considering? Please fill out this field.
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What type of shoot is it? Please fill out this field.
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Where? (City + preferred location) Please fill out this field.
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Email? Please fill out this field.
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Instagram? (if applies) Please fill out this field.
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Tell me a bit about yourself. Why would you like this stage of your life documented? Etc. Please fill out this field.
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Tell me a bit about yourself. How far along are you? What feeling do you most want to remember from this special time? Etc. Please fill out this field.
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Tell me a bit about yourselves. Where did you meet? When did you know you were in love? What is your favorite thing about each other? Please fill out this field.
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What makes the day uniquely you? Please fill out this field.
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Tell me a bit about your family. How many are you, what do you enjoy doing together, what part of your lives would you like documented? Etc. Please fill out this field.
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Tell me a bit about what you are thinking. Please fill out this field.